hotdog and cheese stuffed bread rolls.
kid friendly afternoon snack.
craving caved in.
scooped 1 cup sticky rice.
soaked it in water for a few hours.
added kakang gata and salt.
wrapped 1/4 cup malagkit and 1/2 cup (or more) liquid mixture.
steamed for 30-45 minutes.
opened the banana leaf.
savored the taste of... heaven!
a native kakanin from bicol.
[i forgot to take a picture when i opened it. i was too excited to gobble because i haven't eaten this treat in years.]
my first swap.
i was giddy and excited.
but it never came.
i figured... it was christmas season,
must have been lost in limbo
and landed onto somebody else's lap!
but ain't my partner the sweetest?
she sent a replacement!
it's not her fault,
but she wouldn't take NO for an answer.
she wrote... "I hope the recipients get it soon (one of these is a replacement and it had better get there this time!)"
well, i think the courier heard her, got scared, and delivered this to me...
i can't believe that i actually have something from Simplicity. i frequent this site for free tutes and sewing techniques. and now, i have in my hands, one of their products because of her generosity. AND... can you see that pink fabric?